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Offset +/-

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Si qqun pouvait m'expliquer comment fonctionne réellement l'option offset pour le Vcore ainsi que la relation qu'il a avec le LLC et le Vdrop

J'ai cherché mais rien n'est vraiment convaincant...

pas de google criss svp.

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C'est relativement bien expliqué.

As you rightly noted, offset is usually computed by taking the delta of the VID versus applied Vcc at full load.

But be aware that the way the offset method works is that the offset is applied regardless the VID. So the same offset is in effect when your VID changes to a lower value when the chip goes idle such that the formula "Vcc = VID + offset" is always in effect.

This means your idle volts are higher than they would otherwise be, maybe not a problem, but it can be a problem if your offset is actually negative.

My cpu was applying too much voltage at 4.5GHz, the VID was calling for more voltage than was necessary. So I found the minimum voltage for IBT stability, applied the negative offset and was happy as a lamb.

That is until I found out that the negative offset was actually pushing my idle volts so low that the rig was locking up when the chip idled.

So you really do need to ensure the offset you select is an offset that leaves your rig stable at both its loaded and unloaded extremes.

With a positive offset I don't see this ever being a problem, it only should be a problem if you are using negative offsets.

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