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Kepler - Un MÉGA rappel en vue ?

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As per details from pnosker.com, Nvidia’s Kepler chip manufacturer TSMC had its information leaked regarding Nvidia to recall all its GTX 600 series graphics cards which includes the GTX 670, GTX 680 and the GTX 690.

Soon after the launch of its 600 series, Nvidia had run into serious supply issues with the 28nm chips having low yield and unable to meet up with demands that significantly lead to the delay in launching the GTX 670, 680 and the 690 besides also inflating prices of the aforementioned graphics cards.

Similarly related to the recall, EVGA has called back its GTX 670 SuperClocked graphics cards and replacing them with GTX 670 FTW editions free of charge as apparently many users are encountering artifacts with the particular card variant.

Nevertheless as per the report, the new Kepler GPUs tend to suffer in terms of performance when stressed over for long periods of time. This seems similar as to Intel’s 6 series chipset ‘Cougar Point’ fiasco.

Looks like anything that is related to the 6 series is plagued with issues. Keep in mind this is still a RUMOR but some do confirm this. We’ll keep you updated as we get more information on this.

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It appears that TSMC and NVIDIA disagree whether or not NVIDIA's new Kepler architecture has a fatal flaw or not. On one had, we are hearing reports from TSMC that the new Kepler video card "chips may be suffering from serious performance degradation over long periods of heavy load" and could be the cause of a future recall by NVIDIA.

On the other hand, NVIDIA is saying all is fine. Bryan Del Rizzo, spokesman for NVIDIA stated, "There is no truth to this." NVIDIA denies that there will be any sort of recall over this report from TSMC. NVIDIA has, however, not provided any further details other than the previous statement denying that there is an issue.

EVGA has already had to recall all of their GTX 670 SC cards due to a hardware issue, so the idea of a recall could be correct. Is this the hardware fault that has caused the recall? Additionally, this could be the reason that the 670/680/690 are not in stock anywhere, even after TSMC promised NVIDIA a majority of its manufacturing resources.

A company can't keep a major hardware flaw secret for long as a mass amount of users would take to the internet with stories of the problems they are having. I imagine there is at least some truth to this report and it will come out soon enough. Let's not forget the bumpgate scandal where NVIDIA held off for as long as possible from admitting a design flaw to avoid compensating affected customers.

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En Fr sa serait nice mais je trouve pas sur google.

Quelqu'un avec une 680 en na parler auprès de ncix? Jsuis pas asser bon en anglais pour avoir se genre de discution avec eux,et par écrit...regardez mon fr.

Edited by jo1986

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Se sont des rumeurs qui parlent que les Kepler souffre à long therme en load. Pas que ça chauffe mais il semble y avoir un trouble.

À suivre ...

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c'est probable depuis la sorti on attend nos stock pour de la 680 pis rien ... pis avant hier celle de asus à été enlever de la liste de mes fournisseur ... ?? bizard :P

j'avais entendu dire que nvidia prenais plus de temps que prévue pour faire les nouvelle puce mais bon c'est possible qu'il ai vraiment des problème

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Pas eu d'autres news .... Rumeur seulement ? Spéculation ? AMD fan boy qui partent des rumeurs ? ON verra bien ... !

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